Geospatial Analytics
Retail InSite ™

Overseeing a large and diverse real estate retail portfolio consists of many facets. Managing services, contracts, projects, assets and performance are all required. This results in the need of hundreds of thousands of pieces of information, that all must be gathered, analyzed and acted upon. The size and complexity make delivering on specific objectives and related targets challenging. Geospatial Analytics has a broad set of solutions for all of challenges faced by managers of retail portfolios. Used in seamless combination, these strategic tools can provide management with powerful analytics that support key decisions and desired outcomes. Radically transform the way you collect, manage and use information regarding your retail portfolio to better understand and strategically manage your business.


Outdated business processes are strangling organizational goals of increased productivity and flexibility. Employees struggle to achieve basic awareness of assets, working through disconnected database and functional silos.



A strong process and information foundation creates a platform from which higher value goals can be pursued. Increased operational awareness, better decision-making and shared information lead to a sense of gaining control.



The end goal in portfolio and process management is optimization. Capital-intensive assets are distributed to best meet demand, and the organizations responsible for long-range planning and utilization are fully in control.

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